Monday 27 May 2013

do you want to have black, healthy and prevent grey hair in young age ? Those Have diabetic do you want to reduce sugar level in your blood ?


This oil which is a rich source of fiber, minerals and vitamins has more than ninety percent saturated fats.

Lauric acid, a compound found in coconut oil, is also present in mother’s milk. It helps to build the new born baby’s immune system. It is also a rich source of medium chain triglycerides.

There are several health benefits of coconut oil, both when used topically and also when consumed internally.

Hair Care: 

Coconut oil is applied on the scalp and hair extensively in India, as it prevents dandruff when massaged on a dry scalp. It nourishes damaged hair and is used as a conditioner.

Skin Care:

Massaging the body and face with coconut oil delays wrinkles and sagging skin. It helps in curing problems like psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and dry flaky skin. This oil is the basic ingredient for many expensive products like soaps, shampoos, creams and lotions.

Weight Loss:

Coconut oil stimulates the metabolism and improves thyroid function while it also removes the stress on the pancreas. As this oil contains short and medium range fatty acids it helps in keeping off excessive weight. According to a study in the journal “Lipids”, 40 women are said to have lost belly fat when given coconut oil in their diet along with an exercise regimen.

Heart Health:

Coconut oil although very high in saturated fats, contains 50% of lauric acid which prevents high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Unlike other vegetable oils it does not lead to increased LDL levels. It reduces the incidence of injury to arteries which will prevent atherosclerosis.


The saturated fats in coconut oil prevent growth of fungi and parasites that cause indigestion and related problems like irritable bowel syndrome. It helps in absorption of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.


When applied on wounds and cuts, coconut oil forms a shield, consequently preventing the entry of dust, bacteria and virus. It speeds up the healing process while repairing damaged tissue.

Coconut Oil for Cooking:
Dr. Joseph Mercola finds that olive is best for salad dressings – but unstable on heating, as a result he found coconut oil best for cooking. According to him the polyunsaturated fats like corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola, when heated produced toxins as well as trans-fats. The only oil that is stable enough to withstand high temperatures while cooking is coconut oil. 

Sources: Coconut Research Center: Dr Joseph Mercola

Nutritional value of curry leaves

The main nutrient found in curry leaves are carbohydrates, fiber,calcium,phosphorous, iron,magnesium,copper and minerals.also contains vitamin nicotine acid,vitamin c,vitamin A,vitamin Antioxidants plants sterols, amino acids, glicosides and flavonoids.

  • stop diarrhea: curry leaves had anti diarrhea properties.
  • Antioxidant properties:  the presence of various vitamins A,B,C and E help reducing oxidation stress and free radical scavenging.
  • Gastrointestinal protection: usage of curry leaves give relief from gastric problem.
  • anti diabetic properties: one of the biggest health benefit of curry leaves use in diabetes control. It is beneficial in controlling blood glucose when tested in diabetic rats.
  • lower cholesterol level: also known as reduce bad cholesterol levels.
  • good for eye sight: contains high amounts vitamin A ,good for eyesight.
  • fight cancer: it helpful fighting cancer such as leukemia, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
  • protective: it help prevention of free radicals in the body.
  • protects against pathogen attack.
  • protect liver.
  • good for hair growth and straighten hair root.
  • curry leaves also helpful for skin care.applied juice or paste on burns, skin irritations and insect bites for quick recovery.

how to prepare hair oil                                          
  • 1 liter pure coconut oil
  • 50 gm curry leaves
  • 50 gm indian gooseberry
  • one  thick bottomed pan
  • strainer
  • a big jar bottle to store the oil.
  • take a pan and pour the coconut oil and get heated for some time. Now add the green leaves and add  the indian gooseberry already remove the seed ,stir the mixture.Heat on low flame about a hour.this will help the oil to absorb  all the goodness of the ingredients  After that switch off the heat and let the mixture cool and transfer to bottle.

indian gooseberry is a fruit which is considered to be the good source of Vitamin C, calcium, protein, irons, carbohydrates, phosphorous and many other things.
Amla is acidic in nature, cools the body, and act as a diuretic agent, aphrodisiac alternant tonic and antipyretic.
It contains nearly thirty times of Vitamin C as compared to oranges.
The equilibrium of the body is maintained by indian gooseberry as it equals the level of three doshas of bile, storm and Phlegm. It also aids in strengthening the heart and immune system, and alleviates the diseases related to eye, skin, hair and other body ailments.

benefit of indian gooseberry
Hair care indian gooseberry is used in many hair tonics. It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens roots of hair , maintains color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color. this oil is very popular in India as it serves as a very good hair growth booster thereby preventing hair loos.
Eye care: Taking Gooseberry juice with honey is good for improving eyesight. It improves nearsightedness and cataract. It reduces intraocular tension.
Diabetes: Gooseberry contains chromium. It has a therapeutic value in diabetics. Indian Gooseberry or Amla stimulate the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Thus it reduces blood sugar in diabetic patient.
Heart disease: Gooseberry strengthens heart muscles. So heart pumps blood flawless throughout the body.
Infection: Due t o its antibacterial and astringent attributes the Indian Gooseberry protects against infection. It improves body resistance 
now i  am going to give a recipe for                   
sambal curry leaves and Indian  gooseberry

1 cup of curry leaves
1/2 cup Indian gooseberry remove seeds
5 onion 
2 garlic
a pinch of salt
5 dry chilies

now the method
fry separately curry leaves, indian gooseberry,
second onion,garlic and chilies
then blender everything add salt according to your taste.

By consuming this, you can take care a good health at the same time you also can have a healthy hair and stimulate growth. It also prevent premature graying of your hair.Love your health and love your hair.Try to have healthy life in modern world.take care. My Dear friends I will come with another new topic tomorrow. bye.

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